Thanks so much for dropping by to visit me at 88 Musical Keys – I hope you like what you see and will pop back to check our updates from time to time. I aim to create and upload new, practical, fun and useful resources every month – I really enjoy creating music teaching resources that both my students and others will enjoy using!
My bio is below – please feel free to contact me at anytime if you have any questions!
Happy teaching!
Anne is a music teacher with over 30 years experience specialising in teaching piano, keyboard, musicianship and theory.
She completed her music and education degree from Newcastle University Conservatorium, in 1989, having majored in piano, and continued further piano studies after graduation with Dr David Jones. Over the years, while raising her own children and teaching in a private music studio, Anne has developed many strategies to cut learning tasks down to size, and encourage students to have fun with their music, and practice, without sacrificing musical excellence!
She loves to inspire students, and endeavors to make their music learning journey as smooth as possible, motivating and empowering students with confidence through their own growing musical development and personal music achievements.
These music teaching resources have been tried, tested and refined by Anne over several decades of teaching, and hundreds of students’ successful concerts, ‘piano parties’, competitions and exams, from beginner to diploma level. Her students generally consider the ‘Bag of Practice Tricks’ books & matching Music Journal the best way to ‘make practice easy’, fun, and regular!
We hope you enjoy using our unique and creative teaching resources.
Anne Hilberts
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