Recital Stationery | Christmas Set 2

Create a sense of anticipation and excitement for your end-of-year Studio Recital with these professionally designed recital stationery templates. In today’s fast-moving digital world, capturing your audiences attention is essential! ‘Pictures speak a thousand words’, and good visuals help to create a strong impression and generate interest and increased enthusiasm and attendance for your recital.

Recitals are an important part of learning a musical instrument. They are a great opportunity to teach students many valuable lessons: how to polish up their pieces ready to perform; how to share their music on stage; how sharing music brings people together; and how to play in front of others. It’s even a good way to teach students to ‘be in the moment’. To realise that performing is not about being perfect, but about sharing and communicating through music. In addition to this, studio recitals also help to build a positive community spirit in your studio!

To run a successful studio recital is probably just as much about establishing effective communication and building trust with your studio parents, as it is about kids actually practicing…

After all, it’s quite possible that a student can have their pieces ready, but their family may not realise how important the recital is and allow other activities to be scheduled for that day instead! However, having organised recital stationery can help to solve this dilemma. It will elevate your studio’s image, and draw your studio parents in to realise how important a recital is for their child’s musical experience and growth. Eye-catching recital stationery templates are a cost-effective solution that allows you to create a recital experience that is beautiful and memorable for your students and their families…without costing you much extra time or money.

This set includes:

  • A Recital Invitation: Easy to personalise and send out a few weeks beforehand. Your customised invitation can be printed or emailed to parents.
  • Recital Program: This beautiful program matches your invitation. It is easy to customise and print. This double sided program folds down the centre when printed. It’s a great way for students & families to see your running order, and keep the recital moving smoothly. (Alternatively, you can even save the finished program to your Google Drive, and share the link, for those who prefer digital access).
  • Compliment Cards: These matching cards allow your studio families to encourage students by giving them positive feedback on their playing. These cards are printed four per page, to save printing costs.
  • Matching Certificate: Customise this striking certificate and hand out awards that build-up, encourage and motivate your students! You could award first, second and third in a practice comp, or in ‘number-of-pieces-learned-this-year’. Or award certificates for Excellence, Achievement, Encouragement, or Improvement. Award those who are a Pleasure to Teach, or who are always Well Prepared for lessons. There are so many great ways to make your awards genuine and inspiring.

Added Bonus: This Recital Stationery kit gives you ALL four items above AND a ‘recital prep’ email template too! You can easily copy, paste and personalise our email template, to send out to all your studio families a few weeks ahead of your event. It’s a valuable tool to help your student’s families understand the relevance of your recital, and to look forward to it, commit to it, and know how to help and encourage their child prepare for it at home.

With this Recital Stationery Kit you get all the benefits of professional looking, personalised studio stationery, without all the time and effort of preparing it from scratch yourself!

Take a look through this bundle:

  • studio concert, Christmas
This recital stationery template set not only makes your recital look important, it communicates the recital information to parents in the most impactful way possible!
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top tips for piano performance, recital stationery

Help students feel fully prepared and ready to perform, with these set of posters & cards teaching ””””Seven Top Tips for a Polished Performance””””. A great way to make performance day more enjoyable for students and their families.

Take the stress out of getting students ””””performance ready””””, by making their practice time more efficient, effective and fun! This ””””Performance Ready Practice Kit”””” gives you 43+ tried & true practice strategies, so kids can enjoy the challenge of taking their pieces from sight reading right through deep learning & polishing. (Also useful for teachers who want to get their performance skills back!)

Looking for a non-Christmassy recital stationery pack?  Check out these professionally designed Recital Stationery Templates: Invitations, Programs, Compliment Cards & Certificates too!

General Information:

All our materials are available immediately, by digital download, from your customer account dashboard.  And don‘t forget, we maintain all your ’88 Musical Keys’ resources, in your own private, Customer Dashboard…for free. Purchase once, and you can download, print and use it ANY time – including any file upgrades we add!

Licensing – For great value, all options here include a Single Teacher Studio License:

You may print 88 Musical Keys activities, games, music, cards and posters for all the students you teach directly and personally, for your lifetime! (Music schools with multiple teachers will need to purchase a copy for each teacher using this material, of course. Contact us if you need a ‘multiple teacher’ license.) 

How to Download:

We recommend downloading these resources using a computer (rather than a phone or other device) to make it quick and easy, and a hard-wired internet connection will make it faster, of course.  Print it yourself, or take it to a print shop.  In either case, the PDF files are set up ready to print on both sides of the page, giving the flashcards, games, worksheet activities and kits a professional presentation.  Printing and playing instructions for all resources are included! 


All our download files are in PDF format, ready to save, print and use. When printing, we recommend using either Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) PDF software, or ‘Nitro PRO’ software, to open & print our PDF resources.  You can also open our PDF files using Google Chrome, and print directly from there.  (Other PDF software may or may not print as reliably as these 3 options for our files.)

Unzipping’ Bundled Files:

Some files, especially our ‘bundles’ are in zipped folders to make them compact and easier to transfer.  To unzip these you can download a free program HERE

‘Online & On-Device’ teaching resources:

Our ‘online’ and ‘on-device’ teaching resources, such as tutorials, slideshows and online/digital games, will be saved directly to your Google Drive, ready for you to use whenever needed.

We especially appreciate 5 star ratings, so if you purchase this product and have any concerns that may lower your rating, please contact us and we will endeavour to rectify any problem!

      If you have any questions, please check the FAQ’s at the bottom of our HOME page.  If your question is not answered there, please email us at info@88musicalkeys.com  –  Thank you!

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